Parenting tips: how to stop trying to do it all and start having fun instead!

Jan 20, 2023

Do you ever feel like you're in a never-ending cycle of doing it all and having no time for yourself, or your kids? Right there with you! With our fast-paced lives, being able to keep up with everyday tasks can be overwhelming. But what if we told you that there is a way to break out of this exhausting cycle and actually have fun with your kids while still accomplishing everything on your parenting to-do list? Well, here’s the good news: a few small parenting hacks are all you need to start enjoying quality time with your family instead of constantly running from place to place. So read on and see how easy it can be!

Breaking out of the doing-it-all cycle

It can be tough to break out of the doing-it-all cycle, especially if you've been doing it all for a long time (you must be completely exhausted!). But it's not impossible, and there are a few hacks you can use to make it a little bit easier.

1. Change your mindset 

First, you don’t need to do it all. None of us were ever meant to do it all. Those that try usually burn out.

Second, for each situation, ask yourself “does this need to be done right now?” Sometimes we take on things that don’t really need to be done that day or that week. So free up your time whenever you can, because there will always be more things to do. 

Then, if the thing does need to be done right now, ask yourself if it needs to be done by you? Quite often we take on responsibility for other people and things we shouldn’t take on responsibility for.

2. Have fun with your kids while still getting everything done on your list

There are countless ways to have fun with your kids while still getting everything done on your list. You can try working together on a project or task. What is there on your list of things to do that your kids can help out with? Folding laundry? Putting clothes away? Cooking? Tidying up? Cleaning? Choosing photos for a photo album or calendar?

Which of those can your kids help out with? And while you’re doing these tasks together, you can connect with your kids. Talk to them about something that’s going on at school, or ask them how their day way (or about dinosaurs if you also happen to have a dinosaur-obsessed 3 year old).

This can be a great way to teach your kids about responsibility and teamwork.And now you’ve just crossed some things off your list while bonding with your kids. Go you! No matter what you choose to do, just make sure that you take the time to enjoy it and have some fun with your kids!

3. Don't be afraid to ask for and accept help 

If you're struggling, don't be afraid to ask for help from friends or family members. They may not be able to do everything for you, but they might be able to help out wherever they can.

Just think about it like this: would you help them if they asked? If yes then it is very likely they wouldn’t have a problem helping you either. But one of the biggest blocks to asking for help, is when we have difficulties in accepting help.

So start small. Next time anyone offers to help you with anything, however small, accept their help. The more help you get, the more time and energy you will have over to have fun with your kids.

4. Make time for yourself in between all of the busyness

Parents need time to relax and recharge their batteries. There are so many things vying for our attention, it can be tough to find time for ourselves. Between work, family, and social obligations, there never seems to be enough hours in the day. But it's important to make time for ourselves in order to decrease our stress and overwhelm. 

Make sure you set aside some time every day to do something just for you. Do it little and often (a 10 minute break can work wonders). By taking care of you, you can start to reduce the stress and overwhelm in your life. With that reduced, everything is more fun!

Read more on making time for yourself and what activities you could choose here.

5. Set boundaries

If you have a lot of people asking you to do things for them, or you find yourself unable to say no to people, you may need to work on setting boundaries.

Setting clear rules and boundaries for other adults as well as your children, are fine if they are respectful and enforceable. You just need to make sure you stick to them or they will be tested. Frequently!

Or if you have toxic family members or friends, introducing boundaries can prevent drama and free up a lot of your energy spent worrying about what they might think or say.    

Parenting is hard, and sometimes it feels like we're stuck in a never-ending cycle of just trying to keep our heads above water. But it doesn't have to be this way! With a few small hacks, you can easily break out of the parenting rut and start having fun with your kids again. From suggestions for getting your kids to help out to tips for making time for yourself, these hacks are guaranteed to make your life as a parent a little bit easier. So what are you waiting for? Give them a try today!

For more help and support, check out our Calm Fun Parents group