The joy of self-care: reasons parents need to put themselves first

The joy of self-care: reasons parents need to put themselves first

Jan 03, 2023

As a parent, and let’s face it, it’s usually the mums that suffer mostly from this, but dads can benefit from a bit of “me time” too, it can often feel like self-care isn't an option. With hectic schedules and endless responsibilities, from meal planning to running errands, cramming in “me time” seems near impossible. So it almost always comes at the bottom of your list of things to do. And we all know what happens with that ‘to do’ list - more gets added and the self-care rarely gets done.

But if there's one thing you need to remember as a mum, it's this: you deserve some precious moments just for yourself! Self care is essential for moms who want to stay in the game both mentally and physically so let’s celebrate the importance of taking time out away from your never-ending duties – because trust me when I say that there are enjoyable layers of joy awaiting those who make 'me time' part of their regular routine. Let’s dive into why self care matters and how putting yourself first (yes!) can help keep your stress levels low, boost productivity and ultimately bring more peace into your life.

Why it’s important to put yourself first

Self-care is important for everyone, but it is especially important for mums. When mums put themselves first and take care of their own needs, they are better able to take care of their families. Mothers who are well rested, have time for themselves, and eat a healthy diet have more patience with their children. They also tend to be less stressed and happier.

So doesn’t that sound great? Actually taking time for YOU means you’re a better, more patient parent. Are you convinced yet that self-care needs to become a must?

So don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself. The health and happiness of your family depends on it! But, you may be wondering how? After putting everyone else first for years I’ve forgotten how to. Or you may be wondering how the flippin ‘eck am I supposed to fit in some self-care on my busy schedule? Well, we have some tips for that. Keep reading.

How self-care can help reduce stress levels, boost productivity, and give you more time for you

Self-care is especially helpful for reducing stress levels and boosting productivity. When you're stressed out, it's tough to focus on anything else, and that can lead to a lot of wasted time and energy (that’s time wasted that you could be spending on self-care). But if you take some time for yourself each day to relax and rejuvenate, you'll be able to be more efficiently and effectively.

There are lots of different ways to practice self-care, so find what works best for you. Some people like to meditate or do yoga, while others prefer to read or take a walk. Whatever you choose, make sure it's something that makes you feel good. And don't forget to schedule in some downtime too; even just ten minutes of quiet reflection can help clear your mind and recharge your batteries. The important thing is to do little, often (because those darling little kiddos will suck your energy, over and over again - especially if you’re an introvert).

How to fit in "me time" amid a busy schedule

There's no question that carving out "me time" can be a challenge when you're juggling a busy schedule. But it's important to find ways to make it work, because taking some time for yourself is key to maintaining your sanity and well-being. And that will have an effect on your kids’ behaviour too.

One way to fit in some "me time" if you work outside the home is to make use of your lunch break. During that hour, take a walk around the block, read a book, or just find somewhere to sit and relax. Take the whole hour. 

If you’re a 2 parent family, negotiate with your spouse or partner to have 1-2 evenings to yourself per week. This could be as the other parent is putting the kids to bed, or after bedtime. Take a yoga class, go to the gym, or just catch up with friends. 

Another option is to set aside time on the weekends for a lie in. Yes! Remember those? Maybe Saturday morning is your time to sleep in and relax, while your spouse/partner takes the kids, and swap on Sunday mornings. Whatever works for you, be sure to make use of that time. (This one keeps me sane!)

Take some mini breaks during the day. Make sure your kids understand that mum needs a break sometimes and they will automatically learn about allowing self-care for themselves (and that’s a huge bonus). Tell them you are taking 10 minutes and set a timer (of course this won’t work with babies who need constant supervision). Then make yourself a cut of tea (or coffee) - and drink it hot!!

Get your kids involved in the daily chores while they’re still small and free up time for yourself. Chores can be made fun if they’re done together. You can fold laundry with your kids while chatting with them, you can all help clean the kitchen together, or all pitch in and tidy the toys away together. Now there are more things crossed off your ‘to do’ list, you connected with your kids and you’ve just freed up some time for yourself to enjoy later. Go you!

It can be tough to find the time and energy to take care of yourself when you're constantly on the go. But by making a few small changes, you can easily fit in some much needed "me time."

The benefits of making self-care a regular routine

Self-care is important. It can be the difference between having a good day and a bad day. It's the key to maintaining our mental health and keeping our stress levels in check. But despite how beneficial it is, many of us don't make self care a regular routine. We either forget about it, or we put it off until we have more time. But if we want to be our best selves, and calmer, more patient parents we need to make self-care a priority.

One of the benefits of making self-care a regular routine is that it helps us stay balanced. When we're constantly on the go, it's easy for our lives to become overwhelmed with stress. But taking some time for ourselves each day helps us manage our stress levels better. We're able to relax and recharge, which makes it easier to handle any challenges that come up later on.

Self-care also allows us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level. When we're constantly surrounded by noise and distractions, it's hard to get in touch with our thoughts and emotions. But by taking some time for introspection, we're able to better understand ourselves and what we need in order to be happy and healthy.

Finally, self-care is essential for our physical health as well. When we're stressed out, our bodies produce cortisol, which is a hormone that can have negative effects on our health if it's produced in high levels over a long period of time (like weight gain, poor sleep, stress-related illnesses). But by taking care of ourselves physically and mentally, we're able to reduce the amount of cortisol that's produced, which leads to better overall health and more energy.

So if you're looking for ways to improve your wellbeing, start making self-care a regular routine. It may take some time for you to find what works best for you, but once you find your groove, you'll be glad you made the effort.

The importance of taking time out for yourself as a mum

It's so important for parents, especially mums, to take some time out for themselves. When we're constantly taking care of others, it's easy to forget to take care of ourselves. But if we don't make time for ourselves, we'll quickly become overwhelmed and stressed out. So find a little time each day to do something that you enjoy - whether that's reading a book, taking a walk, or spending time with friends. It's crucial for our own mental health and well-being.

If you're a mum, it's time to prioritise your own self-care. By taking just a few moments out of each day to focus on yourself, you can stress less and be more productive. While it may seem impossible to find the time, there are plenty of simple ways to integrate "me time" into your schedule. And trust us, it's worth it - making self-care a regular habit comes with all sorts of benefits, both for your health and wellbeing, and your parenting. So go ahead and give yourself permission to take a break - your family will thank you for it in the long run. 

For more tips on self-care, fitting some “me time” into your busy schedule, and finding ways to be a calmer, happier, more patient parent, come and join our free Facebook group Calm Fun Parents.